History of English Literature, lecture, 2023\2024
Cholewa-Purgał Anna, dr

The aim of the course is to familiarise the students with the history of English literature from its origins in the Old English period to the pre-Romantic trends in the late 18th c. 

The e-course here has been designed to help the students acquire and revise information they receive in the lecture by expanding on each topic through a variety of multimedia resources, with a view to preparing for the final first year examination.

History of English Literature, studio class, 2023\2024
Cholewa-Purgał Anna, dr

The History of English Literature studio class focuses on reading and discussing selected works of English literature from the periods between the OId English and pre-Romantic trends as a complemetary course for the History of English Literature lecture.

The e-course features all the topics, literary works, their context and materials to be prepared for each studio class.

Elementy kultury krajów anglojęzycznych (English-speaking countries culture studies)
Cholewa-Purgał Anna, dr

Kurs ma na celu zapoznanie studentów innych kierunków aniżeli filologia angielska z najistotniejszymi elementami kulturoznawstwa anglojęzycznych państw i krajów świata, obejmującymi wybrane aspekty historii, geografii, życia społecznego, kulturalnego, politycznego, i realioznawstwa. Przeniesienie kursu na platformę wiąże się z sytuacją epidemiologiczną. Zapraszam serdecznie!

History of English Literature lecture, Historia literatury anglojęzycznej, wykład
Cholewa-Purgał Anna, dr

The lecture aims at familiarising the students with the history of English literature, its cultural, historical and sociopolitcal context, major representatives, trends and genres, from its beginings in the Old English period, through its subsequent development across centuries, up to the second half of the 18th c. (The Age of Johnson\The Age of Sensibility). The lecture is organised as a multimedia presentation and a discussion forum.

History of English Literature - a studio class; Historia literatury anglojęzycznej - ćwiczenia
Cholewa-Purgał Anna, dr

The class has been designed to help the first year BA students become acquainted with the major works of English literature beginning with its rise in the Old English period and following its development across the centuries up to the second half of the 18th c. (The Age of Johnson\The Age of Sensibility). The class is correlated with the History of English Literature lecture and is dedicated to studying and interpreting literary works by means of discussion, debate,  groupwork and individual work.